Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Don't You Wonder...

If anything bothers me more than anything, it is probably my twin brother.  But some of these things bother me just as much.  For example:

1.  Drivers who speed up in traffic.
  • Guess what genius, I just passed you, and that was after you just cut me off and five other cars just so you can get to the left lane. 

2.  Bicyclists who bike in the middle of the road.
  • This annoys me more than getting updates on my phone telling me that our stock market has fallen another 400 points-- and yes, I own stocks.

3.  People who pretend to read the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, or the Economist just to make themselves look smart.
  • Hey, it is ok if you don't understand why Democrats and Republicans hate each other.  Just accept it.  

4.  Friends who pay for their meal without taxes and tips
  • Who do you think I am? The Salvation Army? Do I need to ring a bell to tell you that we are not at a fast food restaurant?

5.  People who drink decaf coffee
  • Do you want to wake up? If not, drink some tea and treat yourself to some crackers you wussies. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Annoying Things People Do

1.  Wearing sunglasses indoors.
  • For the love of Ray Charles, only blind people should be wearing sunglasses indoors
2.  Big women in X-small shirts.
  • No, I don't want to know why you believed that drinking a pizza shake for breakfast was a good thing
3.  Hipsters.
  • Be a man, do the right thing
4.  USC fans
  • Driving a red car while smoking your Marlbro Reds is not cool; however, doing so might get you shot by the Crips
5.  PDAs
  • Not the technologically out-dated device, but couples who want the world to know that there are only  two important people in the world--and they do not include the President of the United States or Justin Bieber

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Post

Yes.  I have caved in, but I am sure Batman does not mind.  If you are one of the fortunate few to gain access to my blog, consider yourself unlucky.  Here, you will find musings on everyday life, sports, and politics.  However, what you will not find here are updates to my personal life, unless I win the lottery.  If such things happen, I promise, you will be the first to know--so please, keep refreshing my page.

Before I begin on my first topic, I thought you should know that I had to decide between Blogger and Words Press--well, not really.  I chose Blogger over Words Press because in asking Google's tool bar "Wordpress v. Blogger," the first website that popped up was a forum saying "Blogger."  After a little investigation, I found out that Google had bought Blogger-- therefore, I was a little skeptical on Google's placement of this particular forum presumably listing Blogger as the know-all, be-all of all blogs.  Needless to say, it worked.

In closing, I want to thank all my future fans who, as I mentioned earlier, are so unlucky to have found and navigated to my website.  I look forward in providing more fodder and food of thoughts for you in the near future.

Signing off.