Thursday, September 22, 2011

Annoying Things People Do

1.  Wearing sunglasses indoors.
  • For the love of Ray Charles, only blind people should be wearing sunglasses indoors
2.  Big women in X-small shirts.
  • No, I don't want to know why you believed that drinking a pizza shake for breakfast was a good thing
3.  Hipsters.
  • Be a man, do the right thing
4.  USC fans
  • Driving a red car while smoking your Marlbro Reds is not cool; however, doing so might get you shot by the Crips
5.  PDAs
  • Not the technologically out-dated device, but couples who want the world to know that there are only  two important people in the world--and they do not include the President of the United States or Justin Bieber

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